September 27, 2022
No parent wants to spend the night listening to their sick child struggle to fall and stay asleep. We’ve long accepted sick, sniffly, sleepless nights as unavoidable when our little ones are growing up, despite how hard we’ve tried to help them with our extra pillows, humidifiers, hot teas, and other things like these.
However, there’s one all-natural solution that lets your child sleep comfortably and silently, all throughout the night, without resorting to unnecessary medicines or home remedies — incline sleeping. Sleeping at an incline greatly helps sick toddlers drain their airways and breathe easier, but how does it work? Why does sleeping at an incline provide such benefit to sick toddlers? We’ll go into detail about the wonders of incline sleeping for young, sick children in this brief article.
How Does Incline Sleeping Help?
If you’ve noticed your child’s symptoms get worse as they’re getting ready for bed, you aren’t alone and it’s not just you! The myth that kids’ symptoms get worse at night is a myth that’s partially based in reality, as the true culprit for their worsening symptoms at night isn’t the time of day itself. Rather, it’s the simple fact that your kid is winding down for the day, and spending less time on their feet than they were earlier in the day.
When they start laying down and relaxing at night, their bodies aren’t able to clear the mucus that’s been causing their coughing and sniffling as effectively, leading to what appears to be worsening symptoms. When your toddler’s up and about, gravity helps keep their airways clear, but when they’re laying down, gravity works against them by keeping mucus stuck in their airways. So in reality, their symptoms aren’t worsening per se, gravity is simply not working in their favor anymore. A sick toddler won’t sleep nearly as well with obstructed airways.
This is where incline sleeping comes in. It combines the best of both worlds, keeping your child upright for better airway draining, while providing a comfortable surface for them to sleep upon.
Thinking About Just Using Pillows Instead? Think Again.
If keeping my toddler’s head upright is the secret, you might be thinking, why can’t I just use pillows to prop their head up?
There are a few key drawbacks to using the old pillow-lift home remedy. The biggest drawback is perhaps the most obvious one: while it helps keep their airways clear, children simply don’t find it comfortable.
Piling pillows on top of one another can cause their heads and necks to be put in cramped and uncomfortable positions, causing discomfort, and even pain if they’re kept in that position for too long. After a while, their discomfort will overcome their snifflyness as being the biggest obstacle to a good night’s rest. When your sick toddler won’t sleep, the last thing they need is an uncomfortable sleeping position!
Pillow stacks are also prone to toppling over, especially with toddlers who naturally toss and turn in their sleep — the last thing they want is their back-and-neck support collapsing in the middle of the night. Toddlers may also risk rolling off their pillow stack in the middle of the night, which defeats the whole purpose since they’ll be laying flat again right after.
So What’s the Solution?
For an inclined, comfortable, and sound night’s sleep for when your sick toddler won’t sleep, look no further than the Tum&Bum Incline Sleeper.
The Tum&Bum rests your sick kid at the perfect angle to allow their airways to drain while they sleep, keeping them much more quiet and soundly asleep throughout the night. Pair it with your kid’s favorite blankies and pillow, and the Tum&Bum is a bed as comfortable as any other! And since your toddler straddles and/or hugs the Tum&Bum as they sleep, they’re at almost no risk of rolling off in the middle of the night.
The Tum&Bum is your child’s ticket back to a better night’s sleep. Is your sick toddler ready to get back to sleep too? Click here!
- Category: articles